Mira chart if pregnant reddit. I miscarried at 6 weeks, this is my chart starting with the day I started spotting. Continue taking control of your fertility journey with Mira. 01 highest I've gotten was 0. On month 3 of letrozole and E3g has def gone down. I know Mira is working on developing pregnancy testing with the device, so curious if updates were made so Mira can’t be used to track increasing HcG. My testosterone has always been super high. I am now 4. Mira translates your key fertility hormone results into numbers while you brush your teeth in the morning. Here is what to look for when reading your results: E3G peaks 1-3 days before your LH peak – after which ovulation happens within 10-12 hours. My period has not returned yet, and it seems like my ovulation is still all messed up. Was curious if this is normal! Still testing positive on pregnancy tests. Currently pregnant. We've seen a fertility specialist, both myself and hubs look normal, apart from some small uterine fibroids (Dr wasn't concerned and said they shouldn't be an issue) and a "luteal phase Does anyone find the comparison charts for healthy users, pregnant users or PCOS users to be helpful in any way? To me, these charts are just way too general to help, and often give me false hope that I may have conceived. Did test after my period was late by 2 days. Currently 14 weeks with a healthy pregnancy and I got my positive test on the final day I used the Mira wand (13th) Pdg fluctuates. I have been testing with OPK easy at homes and my numbers go up and down but are always low- lowest . Mine looks just like this!!! I'm currently DPO 10 and my estrogen spiked from 220 to 410 today. Have any of you had a BFP and continued testing with Mira? I am 12 days since my BFP (22dpo) and have tested 4 times out of curiosity. In this educational section, you’ll find common examples and short interpretations of sample charts. Would anyone be willing to share their charts from past cycles and the result of that cycle (pregnancy/no pregnancy). This is my chart so far - what do you think? Apr 4, 2022 路 Mira doesn’t tell you about what your hormone levels mean it just tells you what they are. Check out my chart from last month: I'm attaching my Mira chart for this month (1st picture) and my Mira chart for last month (second picture) here as a comparison. 7dpo today and this looks crazy to me! It’s my first time using the Mira, any insight would be awesome. I don’t use Fertility Friend but wanted to share my Mira chart that went with my last cycle (which resulted in BFP! :)) Hello, wanted to share in case helps someone. Good luck to all of you out there. I hate to say it, but I got a bunch of false positives with my Mira. I’m 5 weeks post Mirena removal. Heres my Mira chart for this cycle, I got a positive pregnancy test at 10 DPO. Hi I’ve been using Mira since July, pregnant on first go but miscarried and back trying on ovulation Induction meds. Hi everyone, I just got my Mira yesterday and took my first test today at 8AM. Everything I googled was like "early progesterone drops can indicate and early period etc etc" this is my first cycle trying. But someone also posted their chart showing how their pdg stayed elevated a couple of days into their period. My levels were off the charts at day 3 - range from 15-60. Too nervous to take a test as of right now! We have been trying for 18 months and I have never been pregnant before. Jul 7, 2024 路 I am on cycle two of using Mira, and I only just ovulated today. Mar 11, 2023 路 Just started using Mira this month. My progesterone has slowly gone down since my positive test from 12. It’s pricey but even with letrozole I am convinced I wouldn’t be able to time things right without Mira considering my busy schedule. This is my 2nd month using Mira. 7. After that loss, I tracked BBT, LH surge with OPKs, and CM. 01. I’ll wait a couple days and test. Thanks! From what I've read, PdG rises regardless of pregnancy (I've had 30+ for progesterone, and unfortunately wasn't pregnant, then it dropped the day before AF). I got pregnant the first time using it after trying for 2 years. So it's hard to really tell from a chart I'm realizing, but I've also read that the bigger the LH spike, the greater the chance of pregnancy and successful implantation. Currently 32weeks pregnant Jan 10, 2024 路 Choose which type of user you want to compare your charts with – options include Healthy, Pregnant, and PCOS. I found it to be worth it but there’s a bit of a learning curve and it’s best if you use it regularly. Ovulated here in the CD15-16 not cd19. 8 to 4. Usually pdg drops off a day or two before menstruation begins, and HCG tests before 12dpo aren’t very accurate so you should take another in a few days. How can I find this? It looks to me like you ovulated on CD14, and your PdG did rise accordingly thereafter. This is not a place to share ANY pregnancy tests or pregnancy-related questions. m. My first cycle using clomid after I didn’t respond to Mira very well. I got the LH surg, and e3g, pdg were within normal ranges and confirmed ovulation. the wait is so hard, I know Mira can not predict pregnancy, but any have a similar chart to mine with BFP? I ovulated 2/17 or 2/18. I'm interested in seeing how my progesterone progresses during luteal phase since that's the hormone in charge of creating the lining of the uterus that eventually turns into my period. To my surprise, she seemed really annoyed and didn’t even take the time to look at it. I'm irregular - it states that i should start on 3/24 but i could start anywhere from the 24th to the 27th. Tried for 9 months before mira and got pregnant on my 4th cycle with Mira. Any idea what to make of this Mira Your chart definitely confirms ovulation by the rise in pdg, so keep testing to see if it stays elevated. I ovulated super late in this cycle so that’s why I’m suspecting I’m not pregnant and just having a super late period which is very unusual for me. Food for thought - try to hit one of those green days after Mira’s circled ovulation date. I was on 100mg Clomid days 2-6. It’s a big investment but it’s definitely taking away the guesswork around ovulation. That ended in miscarriage, I started letrozole which was interesting to see how my chart was medicated to non medicated and it got ovulation bang on. My PdG was falling really low by this time last month, but this month, it's often soaring at >30 (I'm assuming the variability is normal since PdG is emitted by the body in spurts). 17K subscribers in the TFABChartStalkers community. I sometimes have a little progesterone before ovulation but again- hard to say without seeing the chart. Anyone else have a chart that looks like mine and ended up pregnant? I do have pcos and my estrogen has always been low. It makes you feel so supported not just by Inito but by the community that is on the same journey as you. Got my BFP on digital at 12DPO (13DPO according to Mira) and first faint positive at 10-11DPO on a first response. 5 months! So I stressed myself for no reason at all (and I suppose that’s why you’re supposed to stop using Mira after a positive test!). I’ve tried regular ovulation tests, but it only really gives a negative or positive. 8 and that same day it was 8. If you have a miscarriage, the instinct can be to try to get pregnant immediately after (hence why I purchased Mira). I have regular, easy menstrual cycles. It seems like it’s just stressing you out, plus it’s not going predict pregnancy. Hang in there!! We have an almost 4 year old, and conceiving her was quick (4 months after stopping BC, I wasn't really even tracking anything) with an uncomplicated pregnancy. It took us 1. 8 on Mira. Just waiting for that drop in my hormones so my period can come. I have PCOS and bicornuate uterus. Mira (if that’s what you’re using) tests for the type that your body creates PRE PREGNANCY. Perhaps consider not testing further with Mira for this cycle. Oura ring is off the charts lol Had I listened to the Mira, I wouldn’t have continued to try that cycle and would have missed the fertile window. Current Month. and they all say negative. That pregnancy also ended in loss in the 10th week. Track 4 key fertility hormones to get a complete view of your fertility: I'm impatient so I purchased Mira to feel like I'm doing something to help me get pregnant again. FDA-listed; Must be used with the Mira Monitor; FSA/HSA/HRA Qualified; To use the Mira Fertility Confirm Wands, you need Mira’s monitor software version is 01. 3. Chemical pregnancy in Jan at 4w3d. What would levels be if I’m ovulating or if I’m pregnant? Anyone understand this stuff or where I I have a similar chart with my E3G super high at 640. In threads/comments other than the weekly BFP thread, pregnant users must avoid referring to a positive test result or current (ongoing) pregnancy. You’re not out until AF comes. . My cycles are random every month (which is why I got the Mira). Almost got pregnant here you can see the implantation dip but it failed. If you have any cheapie OPKs, I recommend double dipping - at least then you can somewhat verify results. That pregnancy unfortunately ended in a loss around 10 weeks. While I don't use Proov or Mira, I'm happy with my Inito experience. This month I've had the same symptoms as when pregnant with the twins in heaven. Also, my progesterone is all over the place sometimes. My cocktail of medication was clomid, 600 mg of progesterone inserted vaginally starting 3 days after ovulation, thyroid medication very low dose, and baby asprin. However, in hindsight, I do wish I had waited 1-2 cycles after the miscarriage before trying out Mira. Started trying/tracking with clear blue ovulation (the one that shows smiley faces) in Jan. Good luck! Here’s my chart for this cycle. Trying to not get my hopes up as this is my second IUI cycle (although first one that I responded well to) they also gave me progesterone suppositories to help support a pregnancy. What was your LH level on CD14? It seems like it didn’t trigger Mira to move the ovulation date- when you see a similar rise next cycle you might try testing again later in the day to see if you can catch the LH spike. I got the Mira because just over a month ago 5/25/23 I had my Lilletta IUD removed after 7 years because I am now TTC. I am DPO 10 according to this and i took multiple pregnancy tests this a. My period is 6 days late and still testing negative. I use inito instead of Mira but it tests the same hormones. Last sentence is correct - mira is not designed for nor should it be used during pregnancy, Mira clarifies this themselves as well as it wasn't designed for that. I got pregnant again the 3rd cycle after the MC. I range from 28-31 CD length. Positive pregnancy chart I was always looking for positive charts to compare mine to so here you go. So worth it in my eyes. Mira cannot predict pregnancy, PdG can only confirm ovulation and tell you if you have a high enough level to carry a pregnancy. Here is my chart from this cycle. Lots of fatigue and nausea and bad headaches. Last Month. It’s our third month TTC and first tracking with Mira. Since I thought I was out, didn’t bother with an early pregnancy test and carried on with my holiday. From now on, you can make fertility plans feeling confident. But I wouldn’t rule out pregnancy just because of a single drop. My LH increased from 4 to 5. Previously, my cycles have all been pretty stable/normal. Last month I didn’t get pregnant (we got COVID, I got my period early) this month I heard some lady say she doubled what she ate while breastfeeding and trying to conceive and it worked! (Thought I would throw that out there because I did that and I’m now Interesting! I didn’t take 2 tests today (CD 30) so I’m not sure why the spike. 07. Must be used with the Mira Monitor. So there’s really no way to tell. I hope that i just tested too early Prayers please. Urine and blood levels do not equal each other, and urine metabolites - which is what Mira measures - change rapidly up to 8 times every 90 minutes. I’m pretty impatient so maybe take up some of my time with your positive Mira charts. I produced two follicles and did IUI. Because my Mira always showed low progesterone, I asked my doctor about it and she said we could try it bc it would not hurt anything. Then I bought the ovum wand which tests FSH. 5 years without mira to try and then this bsby we used Mira but it took me 7 months to even ovulate and get my period back. My lh surge is preceded by a oestrogen rise over two to three days the estrogen will rise anywhere from 150-400 , then lh spikes rapidly and very high for one day then my progesterone will rise. Reply reply I got it and do not regret it. 5 months pregnant. By April I decided to take the plunge and buy the Mira fertility tracker with the LH and estrogen wands— I believe I got the “plus” version for about $250 or so. This went on for a few months. upvotes · comments The Mira chart of "healthy users" shows Pdg as a nice straight, raised line and I was there and then I wasn't, so I panicked. how anyone gets through the "two week wait" is beyond me. 馃槀 This is a safe place for those who are struggling to conceive to share their experiences, thoughts, journey or advice. Wishing you luck. Currently 7dpo and 1000% confused about my Mira chart results. I was kind of surprised by this, isn’t Mira well known for being able to track hormone levels? First cycle. I have PCOS and got a Mira and used Mira Fertility Max wands, I used it in combination with OPK strips because I was always paranoid. I know they did detect HcG previously (based on the charts I’ve seen from others. Currently on my third round of clomid. You’re still early, so it’s entirely possible that’s why you had a negative pregnancy test. Although last pregnancy, I didn’t test positive until 7 weeks. I’m turning 35 in May. Good luck Has anyone here continued to test while early on pregnant? I’m like 5ish weeks now and the dip and spike is freaking me out. This is was my first cycle using Mira, I also used the Oura ring to confirm ovulation. Got Mira to start this most recent cycle. This rule includes any potentially positive result, even if it's faint or ambiguous. Aug 20, 2024 路 How to read Mira charts. Is this a good or bad sign? The level is 640 for my estrogen and >30 for my pdg. I ask because Mira’s website says the wands won’t detect HcG. Stopped hormonal oral BC October 28th (the day I got married lol). No sore bbs even during periods and ovulation since. Once a pregnancy attaches, a different type of estrogen is actually what takes over and rises over the next 8. She prescribed me the 25 mg suppositories to take twice a day. Hi OP, to answer your questions: your chart looks normal LH peak can be double like yours, it happens estrogen and progesterone fluctuate post ovulation it’s also ok I know I’ve asked before but I can’t find the answer now, how do you get all of the values of each test on your chart? I can only see each value when… If you post your chart we can help interpret! It’s hard to say much without seeing it. Jan 25, 2024 路 Mira Chart help!!! August 04, 2023 | by Sunnymama89 Hello mamas!I have a healthy girl and my husband I got pregnant again a second time around but sadly that ended in miscarriage and I had to get a D&C per my doctors request. Jun 16, 2022 路 Mira charts included August 01, 2024 | by amnihall After going through a literal spiral after researching first response early response indent lines yesterday, I bought the clear blue digital which can work up to 6 days before a missed period test and got my BFP on 10 DPO!If I were to do this Posted by u/Busy-Side-3625 - 1 vote and no comments No two charts are alike however, I thought I’d share mine as when I tried to compare mine I could hardly find any positive ones. I doubt I’m pregnant. I know they are different units. However, my pregnancy test this morning said not pregnant. I used it for 4 months before I got pregnant. 12 or higher. The only thing is, now that I have become pregnant while taking them, I have to continue taking them into my pregnancy (I think maybe until 10 weeks). Has anyone else had a crazy looking chart like mine and end up pregnant? Hey everyone. I ran out of wands right as I hit my luteal phase naturally, but enjoy the chart anyway! Note: I was on clomid day 3-7 and supplemental progesterone starting the 4th morning after my surge, so the high progesterone is artificial! Thankyou!!! I was really hopeful but since it was my first time using Mira I didn't have a baseline to compare it to! Being able to see my estrogen rise and intentionally time IC for O-3 to O-1 really made me feel like we were in with a shot th I’m 37, Pcos, long cycles, I do ovulate, pregnant first cycle , miscarried, pregnant 3 cycle using it and 34 wks pregnant. 9/10 DPO. They post tons of really useful information about hormone levels, what to expect, trends, chart comparisons, and just general advice. Now just in the tww and doing the wands every morning. I have been tracking my hormone levels with Mira the last 3 months so when I saw my OB yesterday I showed her my Mira chart. Understanding your Mira test results chart is easy, but at first it might look overwhelming. This is bsby #2. I bought the Mira analyzer to help time conception. You’re not out until AF comes! And now that I’m so early on in my pregnancy I need to remember that I’m pregnant until my dr says I’m not. Currently 13 DPO. For people with long arsed cycles it really helps to see ovulation. This is my second month using Mira, I am still breastfeeding my now 11 month old. All concerns related to current pregnancies should use a pregnancy sub, such as r/CautiousBB. I had a blood progesterone test done a week ago and it was 13. I thought it might be interesting or reassuring for other chart stalkers like me. Unfortunately, this is our first cycle using Mira so I don’t have a baseline - but I was excited to see Pdg so high (>30), however I tested with ultra early clear blue today (11DPO) and got a BFN. Been trying since. It’s fun to compare! Here is mine so far! May 3, 2023 路 I’m charting with Mira Max and FSH tests for the first time and have been finding it difficult locating sample charts. I found it helpful to identify when my day 21 progesterone was as the doctors kept guessing and telling me I don’t ovulate but I know I do as it’s so painful I can’t move when I do!! Hello community. Today is 10DPO and suddenly got cramps that feel like af is cooing but I'm 6 days away from usual cycle length. You can also explore what typical charts (normal and abnormal) look like and how to read them. I’ve seen several people having a drop in pdg, and then having it go up again and getting a BFP. This is the first time my E3G has increased this late into my cycle. I got pregnant the first month I started using it. xqmq iwf dch ouutpg tunpwj wuv eqgaip hvmtgke ziwdct bbbh